Representatives - Intercommunal Unions and Various Organizations
Intercommunal Syndicate for Gas and Electricity in Ile-de-France:
Titulaire: CHENTOUF Abdelouabe
Intercommunal Syndicate of the Periphery of Paris for Energies and Communication Networks:
Holder: PRESLE Grégory
National Social Action Committee:
Holder: VANDERBISE Xavier
Defense Advisor:
Holder: POITEAUX Lionel
Road Safety Advisor:
Holder: GUERIN Grégory
Local Information and Surveillance Commission:
Relating to the technical landfill center operated by the company SUEZ RR IW MINERALS France.
Board of Directors of Maria Callas College:
Holder: DOCET Franck
School Councils:
Teachers: DOCET Franck (Elementary Michel Lefèvre), MOREIRA Stéphanie (Elementary Georges Brassens), TEBEKA Yaël (Kindergarten Georges Brassens), QUILLET Philomène (Elementary Jacques Brel), CARMAUX Cyril (Kindergarten Michel Lefèvre)